I saw a friend recently.
She's 'gone vegan' and she looked so well, I was intrigued. She elaborated on her eating plan and added that she'd convinced her husband to join her, and that they were both impressed with their increased vitality and energy, and decreasing waistlines.
Now I'm not saying I'm making this a forever thing, but I'm going to 'go vegan' too, just as an experiment.
I found this 30 day Challenge online, and I peeked at some of the menu plans, and they don't look half bad. In fact, it's exactly the kind of food I prefer to eat. Training DH and DD13 might be a little more difficult, but if I suggest that it's a short term proposition, they just may jump on board!
Here's the menu plan with all recipes:
Would anyone like to join me? I'd appreciate the support and any ideas or anecdotal experiences.
Thankyou all :)