May 5, 2010
I love the new Hidden Gems feature! I can't wait to see it up and running - can you imagine how much money we could all save? Mind you, there's one place I definitely won't be adding as a place worth recommending! I have to share this phone call I received the other day with you. I'm still gobsmacked by this lady's lack of customer service skills! It's mid-afternoon and I'm just about to go and pick the boys up from school when the phone rings. I pick up and the following conversation takes place. Please imagine a heavy foreign accent on the other end of the phone:
Hi, my name is Lisa and I'm calling from Australia. I am calling today from Vacation Club. Now what I am going to talk to you about today is a wonderful opportunity. Congratulations! Your telephone number has been drawn at random. So, I see here you live in Morrinsville.
But I call you on this number? I talking to you now so you must live in Morrinsville!
Er - no, I don't live in Morrinsville.
Your number is (07) 889 3300, yes?
I don't understand. I call this number (07) 889 3300 and I been talking to you two minutes already. So this must be your number!
No, my number is (07) 123 4567 (obviously I told her my real number, not this one!)
I, uh - I don't understand!
I chuckle
Why you laugh?
Because I'm having trouble explaining to you that I don't live in Morrinsville and this is not my number.
Don't laugh, it's not laughing matter. Now let's start again. I been talking to you five minutes now and I call this number (07) 889 3300.
But that's not my number! My number is (07) 123 4567.
So you don't live in Morrinsville? Where you live?
Te Kauwhata!
Te - what? I don't get it - where is this place?
I laugh again.
(Shouts) DON'T LAUGH! You must not laugh unreasonably.
Look, we do not live in Morrinsville. My husband works in Morrinsville but I have already told you our phone number.
Aha! So this is your husband's number?
Where is your husband? You just said your husband works in Morrinsville. So I talk to him instead?
No, he's at work at the moment.
In Morrinsville?
I don't know, he could be anywhere, he works in his car.
DO NOT LIE! He doesn't work in car, nobody works in car!
He does! That's his job, he travels around!
But you just said he works in Morrinsville. Jeez...
I let out a sigh
DON'T LAUGH! STOP LAUGHING! This is serious phone call! I am trying have important conversation with you so DON'T LAUGH!
I wasn't laughing!
Penny has enough of being yelled at and hangs up...