I know that Spring has only just Sprung but I am having concerns as to whether the Butternut Pumpkins were a good idea... The "Weed" Kent's that are popping up left right & centre have already shown more vigour than the Butternuts but had to be pulled due to their location.. : (
We have only had a single female & no male flowers from the Butternuts so I thought I would experiment....
**Rubs hands together in a fiendish manor**
I was searching info on the net for "Self Pollinating Zucchinis", after having a mutant grow, & stumbled upon a "Zucchini/Pumpkin Hybrid" clip on YouTube... I decided to give it a shot & used a Male Zucchini Flower to pollinate the Female Butternut....Will be interesting to see how it goes & I will update if the pollination "took"...
The Experiment & The Mutant
The Golden nugget Pumpkins have only just started to produce some Male flowers so were to late for the Butternut......
Have a good one all.....
: )