Thanks for everyone's support and comments on my blog posts :0)

I've decided I won't be getting the aircon fixed in my car, I'm going to try and tackle more of my debt and just 'make do' with some sort of usb fan and cooling bandana type thing. I was outside cleaning my gutters today after it rained. I didn't realise how much they had filled up - water was spilling from the sides and top which is really bad. With so much more rain expected in the next few weeks, I can't wait for my tree to stop shedding.
I'm now classing this as an emergency expense (I'm doing my best to clear them myself a little at a time using tongs and a lil step ladder, but I'm no substitute for a professional who can get up there). I'll shop around and have it paid back in 2 pays.

I've been looking online at the different debt payment methods and came across one I haven't tried before.
It sure has some mixed reviews but for the most part, I can see how it might help me - I figure I'll give it 3 months and if I don't see a big improvement, I can switch to the snowball method again.

I'm going to try something called Velocity Banking. Using my credit card, I'm aiming to pay the first half of it off in 6 months by basically paying all my funds onto it except my debt, one dog groomer I pay in cash and my hairdresser who also gets paid in cash. Then as the amount owing will be less, I'll pay less interest and more of my money will be going off my debt.

Since my problem areas are my groceries for me and the pups (this is where I normally overspend), I discovered Aldi has gift cards, as does my local pet store and I also shop at Coles and Woolworths who also do them. So I can keep money on the credit card longer, I'll just buy these each pay so I am not tempted to just swipe any old purchase at the checkout. Apparently if I stick to 7/11 at least half of the time they also do gift cards for petrol. Not always the cheapest but in my area, not usually too far off and again it might be worth it for the budget aspect. I also checked and I can pay my water and rates quarterly when the bill comes in - meaning I'll pay less interest over time. A small % hit at payment time but the money saves me more on my credit card interest as 1/2 my card is $14% the other half is 9%.

The most important thing is for me to stick to my budget. I'll be tracking every purchase I make that's not a direct debit.
I'm purposely trying to just not buy anything I don't need. I combined the dog and grocery budget too. I get so much of it at the same time as my own food, it was so hard to track.

I'm currently enjoying a bonus $50 from my boss at work as a thank you for covering them. I dutifully put my $32 of my grocery money onto my credit card and spent the last of my grocery money today buy 2 lots of mince that was on sale (pups), some olive oil spray, vitamin gummies and sugar free zooper doopers (I have lots in my lil stockpile but less than $4 is a great price).

I'm going to rotate my petrol tomorrow too (I keep a lil on hand for tough pay weeks) and I will top that up next pay. That money is already on my CC.
As my title suggests, even with Murphy visiting, I'm just reminding myself I can do this and this time next year I'll be in a much better position. Might even be able to look at getting that new car (with aircon) haha

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hoping to get better with images etc

I've always enjoyed composting and growing food but my enthusiasm and energy wax and wane. Aiming to a balanced approach atm, but I just keep trying.

I have a tilted rectangular edged garden that was repurposed into a food garden experiment last summer.

As we had begun juicing I began wondering what the pulp potential was and dug it into the abandoned space

I discovered shooting potatoes in the cupboard and sowed them.

Tomato seedlings began to sprout from last seasons droppings

A chilli plant has rebounded, but it's in another pot. There's a half wine barrel that had an heirloom tomato that now has a young fig tree, and likely too many tomato plants.

I have a small bay tree, large productive lemon tree, small apple tree that the birds are enjoying and a plum tree. Plus herbs and rhubarb among copious weeds, in garden front and back. Plus rhubarb mandarin lime avocado and loquat.

Im hoping to keep track here as I get excited and overplant, forget where I've sown and where

My goals are to harvest daily, no matter how small

Have a productive garden all year round for as little time and money possible

  1. And I love composting! I have 3 different set ups. Large one for shredded paper grass clippings pruning bits and anything that is potentially smelly. It's a waste management one.
  2. Plastic barrel tumbler. Last year's xmas gift from the gardener who gave up
  3. Direct composting into the garden. I can't do this in the backyard as one of the dogs digs it up

Today's sowing was from seed bought sometime ago by me or other, some over 10 years ago some recently. They were beans, little gem lettuce (in the 1/2 wine barrel) coriander and the dregs of a packet of basil seed. Then remembered I popped some bits of rhubarb, in similar spot as well as the seed head from spring onions. When I'm enthusiastic this is what happens

Harvest today. 500grams potato, spring onion mint and lemon

Literally every time I start my debt free journey this happens, and it derails me.

Yesterday I found out it will cost a few thousand dollars to replace the air conditioner compressor in my car.
The cheapest quote I have so far is $1950. My car is only insured for $8000.00.

I'm thinking it's time for a new car because my service last year was almost $3000.00.
When the service and repairs are almost half the cost of the car in 6 months, I'm thinking its time to review.

I need to focus on my debt repayments and I'm thinking that I won't replace this part. I'll just get my gutters cleaned when the tree stops dropping its debris and then keep paying down my debt. I posted on the Facebook group for help on whether those neck fans will help keep me cool (along with winding down the window) on my commute to the office twice a week. I'm open to suggestions. Might even get a neck cooler bandana type thing that I use with my pups.

I previously salary sacrificed my car with the intention of keeping it till it died and whilst it's not for everyone, this worked really well for me.
I'm thinking if I can get a good chunk of my debt paid out, this might be an option again (maybe next year?). My services, rego and petrol etc. were already pre-paid, so it meant that I wasn't trying to find the money each pay. I do a similar plan with my dogs at the vet and it's been invaluable.

I guess I just won't be offering car rides to anyone out of pure embarrassment for a lil while though :)

Perhaps this is the kick in the pants and uncomfortableness I needed to make me realise what a hole my spending has gotten me into.
But I am also happy I'm not considering going into more debt to fix it for my comfort, so I guess I have grown and made some mindset shifts (it's not all positive thinking and will power).

So glad I signed up to the grocery course and this forum. I'm definitely going to be scouring all the threads to find as many ways as possible to reduce my spending. I've got a lot to relearn!

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So I'm not going to jump on and post each time I send a few dollars to my debt, but today, this is my first 'bonus' debt payment so I'm excited.

I filled up with petrol this week and had $12.63 left over. I've split my funds into week 1 & 2 for common expenses like groceries, petrol and my pups food.
My friend has offered to drive me to the markets tomorrow as she's going. Other than maybe a trip to the shops or to take the pups on a nice morning walk at the pier, I have nowhere to go till Tuesday when I can access week 2. I'm well above 1/2 a tank still too.

Realising this, I transferred $12.63 to my next debt (Zip #1) I thought about rolling it over, but I need these little and quick wins to stay motivated.

I may break one of my rules and use 1/2 of next week's pup money at the markets tomorrow (because that's why we are going to stock up on natural chews/treats)I won't be going next weekend and am still focusing on using up what I have for their main meals and not buying more. I have enough food on hand to feed them till next payday at least. I'm getting creative with what I have on hand and I think my pups are enjoying the home cooked meals (using nosh balancing powder). The pups category is one I will roll over to the next week as they have some expensive treats like roo tenders that are great for their teeth but about $90 a kilo. I substitute them out with the cheaper Aldi dental chews to stretch them. Plus my girl gets an upset tummy having kangaroo everyday. Yes this is very expensive but it really reduces her dental expenses - her teeth are so terrible, I brush them most days and she still lost 2 biggies and 4 small ones from the front this year alone. Nothing I can do sadly but keep trying. I doubt she'd have any teeth left if I didn't do our current routine. Greyhounds… some of them just really gave crappy Teefie genetics πŸ˜‚

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Today I continued to research ways that I can save money and I something dawned on me... So often in my quest to 'save money' or 'cook from home' I've watched YouTube or looked up recipes online. Today I came across one for cornmeal waffles. I have a waffle maker so thought this was a great way to save money and have an alternative breakfast option. Today I did something I wouldn't normally do. First, I put it on my shopping list instead of hitting the store. Then I thought I'd better price the items because I'm trying to save money. After I'd added it up, it was $9.40.
Those waffles were far less appealing given my grocery budget is $90 a week atm.

Because of this, I had my first No Spend Day.

No further progress on my debt, other than paying out my BNPL debt a few days ago ($774) + $250 to a saving account for future use as my emergency fund/backup.
Tomorrow I will need to buy some fruit. I have $22.13 left for groceries till Tuesday when my grocery budget resets.

Still focusing on using up what I have on hand as much as possible.

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1 comment!

J A N U A R Y 2025:
2y 10m variable
19y 9m fixed
around $45.94 per day (combined) in interest.


Following things to quote and do this year, because we didn't get to do all the things on last year's list. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Things to quote and do:
β€’ Backyard landscaping after concrete is done- decking front porch and back porch.
β€’ Levelling/ soft fall for monkey bar set πŸ’
β€’ wicking beds, outdoor bench seats to sit and supervise πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎ Hubby has started clearing the trees in the space we want to do this 🀞

Things to purchase:

β€’ New letterbox /parcel locker- this almost went flying in high winds recently 🀣🀣 the old girl is still hanging on! It's getting a bit embarrassing now. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€£ DONE in 2024! I love our parcelbox letterbox! Definitely worth it! πŸ₯°
β€’ Security cameras- ring camera? πŸ“Ή

+ Bed frames for the girls DONE! We replaced Miss 5's and Miss 3 took Miss 5's

+ Better wardrobe storage? Or just declutter the old clothes as required.

+TV? Hubby desperately wants a new one 🀣 it got damaged pretty badly after last January's storm but it works fine for streaming which is all we do anyway. We purchased Fetch box and kept it going πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

I'm not the greatest saver 🫣 I've been following more tiktokers and influencers on slow living to get my mojo back. We now have a Preppie and 3yo Kindy kid who also has one day occasional care once a week. We have school fees for one but not the other. Miss 5 also has two extra curriculars (drama and scouts).

Hubby's pay has taken a cut in a new role as of this year. We aim to keep repayments as it is.

I've started a side hustle with supplements that I love. It's not bringing in lots of moolah but it does occasionally. I've been putting it towards plants. πŸ₯°

I'd love to pick up some part time work or a side hustle that pays a bit more for fun money.

Here's to 2025!

I have decreed that 2025 I am to spend a little as possible that I haven't earmark beforehand so I need keep a series of blogs going about my monthly successes and failures too as I can see some will to rock the boat along the way. That's Murphy Law.

As I have spent over $10,000 in the past few months with bills and more spending to come in the ways of bills and replacing a vacuum cleaner in the next few months. I need to find what I have already bought and use that instead of going out buying more of the same or something similar to what I already own that will do the job in the meantime in all things.

I do need to start saving again to recoup the money spent on the medical bills over past few years.


My goals for 2025

# Shop at home first and find something that I already own to use instead or learn to make it myself or substitute something else in its place.

# Reviewing what I own and how I store it. The three R's come into play here being Repair, Reuses or Recycle.

For today

I am looking for something that I was in my computer room before I start to moving things around there for making space. I do need find it as that I have $40.00 worth of laminating sheets that I use last in October as I wish to do some laminating sometime this week. Yes I do need to tidy up this area more but it a pain not being able to finding the boxes as they are certainly not where they should have been put. My pendulum is not helping at the moment either.

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at 10am, after a diagnostic period lasting 11 months, I begin chemotherapy.

[This is long. Coffee and a cut lunch may be needed.]

Chemo and 2 targeted treatments will be given for 12 months. Probably in February, treatment will pause for the removal of a breast and some lymph nodes. Radiation will round out the treatment.

The cancers are breast cancer and Paget's Disease of the breast. The breast cancer is invasive. The tumour and nipple cancer is aggressive (Her2+). All 4 quadrants of the breast have cancer and pre-cancerous activity. The tumour is 2.5cm long. Cancer has reached one lymph node under my arm. It is classified as Stage 3 cancer.

I didn't feel a lump, and hadn't undertaken a routine BreastScreen.

In April 2023, I noticed a crust on my nipple.

Thinking it was a dermatitis, I applied moisturiser (Neutrogena Norwegian formula hand cream - it fixes everything, right?). I applied it day and night for 4 months with no change.

By August 2023, the nipple cracked and leaked. The leakage would dry onto my bra or shirt. When I removed my clothing, it would rip open my nipple.

This happened for two weeks. On a Monday in August, the moment I woke and opened my eyes, I immediately had a thought: could these be symptoms of breast cancer?

I scurried to my computer to google, as you do, and yes!, they could indeed be symptoms of breast cancer. I kind of knew ...

It was very early in the morning, but my son came out. He had just turned 17. He asked me what was wrong. I said, "I think I have symptoms of breast cancer." We both burst into tears.

Later that morning, I phoned BreastScreen ACT to book a mammogram. Because I had symptoms, they wouldn't see me, advising me that I required a Diagnostic Mammogram. Something told me that was going to be expensive. How little I knew about the costs ahead.

I was seeing my doctor on the Wednesday that week for iron infusions. I asked for a referral, and was able to make an appointment at an I-med diagnostic clinic for that Friday. It was my birthday.

I-med insisted that I would also need an ultrasound.

I had always been terrified of having a mammogram, and burst into tears the moment I walked in. The technician was incredibly gentle with my body and my soul. She was able to completely avoid the painful nipple area. My nipple was visibly disintegrating and houses many many nerve endings. The tech showed her supervisor the images, and returned to do more. I knew; I just knew.

The ultrasound tech had to run the transducer probe over the nipple again and again and again. It was torture. He was lovely, and apologised, giving as much verbal comfort as he could. I asked him if he thought there was cancer. He said that there were two areas of concern.

A week later, the two areas were biopsied. The technician's bedside manner was unacceptable and the procedures were painful. It was a gun biopsy, and he didn't warn me about the loud sound or violent vibration. I felt frayed. A few days later, my GP received the report "non-cancerous calcification". So, no cancer. Hmmm.

GP started me on 3 lots of antibiotics over the course of a couple of months. A staph infection had been detected and later cleared. The antibiotics had no effect on the visibly-suspect painful nipple.

Thankfully, DH found silicone breast shields; and I think these have prevented infection, and allowed me to successfully wear clothing. The only time that I don't wear one is when I'm showering.

GP started me on topical steroid cream. After 12 weeks, there was no real improvement, though sometimes the skin almost closed up again. Mostly it's been an 'open wound' (ulcer) since August.

Towards the end of January, GP said that he didn't know what was wrong with me, and knew that I needed a specialist. He couldn't send me to a Breast Surgeon as they only do cancer.

My 'father', a close friend who lives in a nursing home, is a retired doctor (he was a sex doctor) and pharmacologist. He urged me to go to a Plastic Surgeon. GP agreed, and I asked to go through the public system.

Mid-April. I'm sitting topless on the examination table, and the Plastic Surgeon comes blustering in donning his gloves. He takes one look at me, and says: you have Paget's Disease with underlying breast cancer. Sorry that we've wasted your time. I'll send your file to the Breast Surgery department.

After 3 weeks of not hearing from Breast Surgery, I phoned around trying to find my file. Plastics had lost it. My GP lit a fire, the file was found, and I had my first consultation with the Breast Surgeon.

Breast Surgeon and Registrar looked at the film that I had brought from my August I-med appointment. They turned to me, and asked, "What does the report mean, 'non-cancerous calcification'? There is cancer here, here, here, and here", pointing to various 'spots'.

On-the-spot, I am given a biopsy in my nipple. There are no polite words to describe this special experience. Paget's is confirmed.

I am sent for an MRI.

The results of the MRI reveal a 2.5cm tumour, not previously noticed by anyone; cancer in a lymph node; and cancerous and pre-cancerous cells (DCIS) are throughout the entire breast.

Surgery is scheduled for the end of July.

[The thought of surgery has been, by far, the worst part of this experience. The thought of a mastectomy was both grotesque and ghastly to me. I wished that I would die on the operating table. But then I gained perspective. Is losing a breast really the worst thing that could happen to me? Losing an eye; losing a limb; burns all over my body; and paralysis are all worse than losing a breast. I began to accept and psychologically deal with it.]

I am sent for two more biopsies - on the tumour and lymph node. "Markers" are implanted at the same time. An artery is accidentally cut. A 7' tall nurse comes in to "apply pressure" to the hematoma in order to prevent swelling. Weeks later, I am still bruised. The nurse might be the biggest person that I've ever seen, and he did his job rigorously. There was no swelling, and I am surprised that the breast remained on my chest.

The results are all bad news. Surgery is now delayed; chemo will start first.

I am sent for an appointment to an Oncologist.

I am sent for an appointment to a heart specialist.

I am sent to the dentist.

I am advised that I will lose every hair on my body, and it is recommended that I cut my hair short, followed by a buzz cut, followed by a complete shave.

The Canberra Hospital has long had the longest waiting lists in the country. So far, all of the diagnostics were done in private clinics; most were not covered by bulk-billing despite being ordered through the Breast Surgery department.

I also learn that not all treatment at the public hospital is free. One dose of one of the two targeted medications cost $6,000. I need 6 doses. The company that supplies the drug will cover the cost of the five treatments, if I pay for the first one. Turns out, $6K is a bargain basement price; it used to cost $100K. Breast Nurse tells me that it is known as the 'mortgage medication' because women had to mortgage their homes to pay for it.

There is also a monthly cost for I-don't-know what. We're up to about $10K out-of-pocket so far, and if all goes well, hope to keep all costs within $25K.

Reconstruction. It may be possible to have reconstruction at the time of surgery or it may not. Advice is that most patients require a replacement implant two years after the first one anyway because radiation therapy buggers up the implant or supporting tissue or both. At some point though, patients lose their category one status, and there are years of waiting before reconstruction is offered.

Anyway, I regard many Simple Savers as 'friends', and wanted to tell you my story. It may serve as a warning or guidepost for your own experience one day. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Right now, I am without fear and anxiety. I'm just getting on with it. I'm yet to deal with I-med.

I welcome any advice.

. . .. hair .. short hair .. buzz cut ..


4y 1m variable
20y 10m fixed
around $60.02 per day (combined) in interest.


Things to quote and do this year, because we didn't get to do all the things on last year's list. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Things to quote and do:
β€’ Backyard landscaping after concrete is done- decking front porch and back porch.
β€’ Levelling/ soft fall for monkey bar set πŸ’
β€’ wicking beds, outdoor bench seats to sit and supervise πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎ

Things to purchase:

β€’ New letterbox /parcel locker- this almost went flying in high winds recently 🀣🀣 the old girl is still hanging on! It's getting a bit embarrassing now. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€£
β€’ Security cameras- ring camera? πŸ“Ή

+ Bed frames for the girls

+ Better wardrobe storage? Or just declutter the old clothes as required.

+TV? Hubby desperately wants a new one 🀣 it got damaged pretty badly after last January's storm but it works fine for streaming which is all we do anyway.

Things went pear shaped in 2023 after repeated rate rises, we held it together and kept plowing ahead with as much gusto as we could manage. There's prediction of at least 1 more in February before any cuts happen before end of 2024.

I'm not going back to work until 2025 now so I'll need to figure out a side hustle of sorts to get some extra moolah coming in to keep smashing it. Open to lots of ideas. Part of the money going to daycare has been added to our fortnightly repayment amount.

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Never too late to add in goals, right?

Here's my dream for 2030


  • pay off home loan and investment loan
  • have savings/growth accounts for both children
  • achieved FIRE and enjoying retirement
  • maintain a working stockpile of household requirements only


  • lose 20kgs and keep it gone forever
  • family is happy and healthy and are supported to pursue activities that they enjoy
  • commit to a low carb lifestyle
  • expand our minds by trying something new or visiting some place new once a month
  • Commit to 1000 hours outside every year for the children


  • Print and frame and hang up family photos
  • Selection of fruiting plants are established and bountiful (as of 2021 currently still in their barrels!)
  • home is as energy efficient as possible, solar battery purchased
  • continue to pursue minimalism with a capsule wardrobe and only keeping items of use
  • a home for everything and everything in its place


  • get to know the neighborhood, continue to support local businesses
  • continue to invest in Kiva loans to help others achieve their dreams (at least one loan a month) - Get to 200 loans.
  • use local Buy Nothing group to declutter unloved items in our home and find new homes that will love them
  • commit to low tox, sustainable lifestyle. Invest in quality things that will allow this to happen.


  • visit all the Victorian big things
  • road trip family holidays to SA, ACT, NSW, QLD
  • family holidays to all the states and territories
  • begin overseas travel to all the continents when covid safe to do so, start in Asia after kids turn 4.5 or NZ if not safe by then
  • travel to a Disneyland in 2027

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I've been cooking up some of the recipes I've found on the Early Retirement Extreme blog, and thought I'd make a list for easy reference. Some are a little hit-and-miss, so I'll add my comments in brackets afterwards to any I have tried. Do let me know if I have missed any!

[Please note that these recipes are not mine; they belong to the ERE blogger Jacob Lund Fisker]

So, here are over 20 cheap recipes (mostly vegetarian and quick to prepare):

Black Bean Rice: (48c per serve, 973 kj per serve, 3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Cauliflower Omelet - Another Sub-Dollar Meal: ($1.89 per serve, 1113 kj per serve, 3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Cooking for 6 Days in 30 Minutes for Less Than $4: (22c per serve for the soup, 35c per serve for the sandwiches, 751kj per serve for the soup, 648kj per serve for the sandwiches, 3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Inexpensive Bean Spaghetti Sauce: (35c per serve, 1484 kj per serve, 2/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Leftover Recipe: (3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Pancake Recipe: (10c per serve, 712kj per serve, 3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Pilaf: (43c per serve, 2021kj per serve, 2/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Peach Chutney: ($1.50 per jar, approx $0.15 per serve. Approx 200kj per serve, 3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Potato Pancakes for Less Than $1: (27c per serve, 1076kj per serve, 2.5-3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Rice, Lentils and Bacon Recipe: (45c per serve, 1563 kj per serve, 2/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Sloppy Joe Pinto Beans One Dollar Meal: (800kj per serve, 77c per serve, 3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:


Some Bean Cooking Tweaks: (93c per serve, 1013kj per serve, 2/3 stars alone, or 3/3 stars made up as burritos - detailed recipe here:

Swedish Sausage Dish: (68c per serve,1835 kj per serve, 3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Thousand Islands: (price and nutritional info differ but pretty negligible, 3/3 stars - details here:

Tortilla Chips: 1247kj per serve, 51c per serve, 3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Unleavened Bread the Easiest Way: (1039kj per serve, approx. 7c per serve, 2/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Vegan Slow Cooker Chilli: (1173kj per serve, $1.14 per serve, 3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

Veggie Burger: (40c a serve, 1461 kj per serve, 3/3 stars - detailed recipe here:

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Here is a basic guideline for portion size shopping for each adult person.

Each meal
Raw Protein - 5oz (142g)
Raw Carb - 4oz (144g)
Raw Starch - 3oz (85g)

As it's in ounces, I think it came from American website.

I posted the above in the Waste Not Want Not 20

This got me thinking about how much all extra we are eating since 1972. Some of you may ask what happen in 1972, Australia changed to Metric in 1972.

When worked out grams amount I took the extract equivalent amount, but if you use metric equivalent it's a lot higher. 30g = 1oz & extract amount = 28.35g

It's the same with ounce, 8oz cup, pint and pound (lb)

Extract equivalent amounts

Ounce = 28.35g & metric equivalent 30g

8oz cup = 226.8ml & metric equivalent 250ml

Pint 20oz = 568ml & metric equivalent 600ml

Pound 16oz = 453.5g & metric equivalent 500g

Kilogram = 1000g or 2lbs 7oz

Litre = 1000ml or 1.75 pints (35oz) 4.375 cups (8oz cup)

No wonder everyone is getting fatter since 1972.

Ounce up by 1.65g to 30g

8 oz cup up by 23.2ml to Metric cup 250ml

Pint (20oz) up by 32ml to 600ml

Pound up by 46.5g to 500g

Then we were told to buy and use 1000g or 1000ml lots it's cheaper for whom certainly not our waistlines.

Upsizing the metric conversion back in 1972 may have a lot to do with obesity and many health problems we have now. We have got into the habit of upsizing our portions and so has big businesses too!

Even our crockery (dinner sets) had to be changed to allow the food to fit on the plates.

In the cookbooks we were told to use one measurement only in our cooking but this made it easier for the sell more goods as we were serving our families extra portions with each meal by using metric conversion which came the norm. Oh that little extra won't matter now 39 years later they are telling us we are eating to a large portion so have we up sized again. I think it's time to downsize not upsize our food intake.

When I first went shopping for food back in 1972, I refused to buy by the kilo bought only the amount that I needed and still do to this today. If I wanted Deli meats, cheese or other treats, I will buy extract number of slices or to the nearest number of grams that I need. If I need 2 chicken breasts for a recipe then its only 2 chicken breasts that what I will buy.

I still can use any old recipe as I still have the measuring equipment to do so.

Little more information

I can't get an exact date on the change over to metric conversion but it started in 1972 and my free

Metric Conversion slide was printed in 1972

1972 The packaging of grains, dairy products and eggs went metric and the SI system was introduced to primary school education. (International System of units = SI Units)

1976 By the end of 1976, all packaged goods were required to be labelled in metric sizes

History of Metric Conversion

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