
Additional Debt Payment

Posted January 4th, 2025

So I'm not going to jump on and post each time I send a few dollars to my debt, but today, this is my first 'bonus' debt payment so I'm excited.

I filled up with petrol this week and had $12.63 left over. I've split my funds into week 1 & 2 for common expenses like groceries, petrol and my pups food.
My friend has offered to drive me to the markets tomorrow as she's going. Other than maybe a trip to the shops or to take the pups on a nice morning walk at the pier, I have nowhere to go till Tuesday when I can access week 2. I'm well above 1/2 a tank still too.

Realising this, I transferred $12.63 to my next debt (Zip #1) I thought about rolling it over, but I need these little and quick wins to stay motivated.

I may break one of my rules and use 1/2 of next week's pup money at the markets tomorrow (because that's why we are going to stock up on natural chews/treats)I won't be going next weekend and am still focusing on using up what I have for their main meals and not buying more. I have enough food on hand to feed them till next payday at least. I'm getting creative with what I have on hand and I think my pups are enjoying the home cooked meals (using nosh balancing powder). The pups category is one I will roll over to the next week as they have some expensive treats like roo tenders that are great for their teeth but about $90 a kilo. I substitute them out with the cheaper Aldi dental chews to stretch them. Plus my girl gets an upset tummy having kangaroo everyday. Yes this is very expensive but it really reduces her dental expenses - her teeth are so terrible, I brush them most days and she still lost 2 biggies and 4 small ones from the front this year alone. Nothing I can do sadly but keep trying. I doubt she'd have any teeth left if I didn't do our current routine. Greyhounds… some of them just really gave crappy Teefie genetics 😂

Blog Posts by Kso_Undefined

January 2025
  • Additional Debt Payment
  • Progress Report | January 3rd
December 2024
  • Starting Over in 2025