Troll Blood

Have you ever felt like gathering up all the trolls online, pounding them into pieces and grinding up their bones into a delicious chocolate sauce? Yes? No? We have.... which was the inspiration for this funny and much loved DIY gift.

Jar of Troll Blood

Troll Blood is the perfect gift. Whether it be for someone you like such as a teacher, friend, relative or an enemy. It is perfect because it is affordable, hand made, funny and VERY, VERY TASTY!!

Troll Blood

Here is the recipe (and all important labels) to make two delicious jars of 'Troll Blood' to give to loved ones and others who share your dislike for trolls!

Makes 2 x 1 litre jars

Shopping list:

  • 2 x 1 litre jars ($6)
  • 1 box (380g) cocoa ($4)
  • 2kg sugar ($2)
  • Vanilla essence
  • Salt


Print out labels

Glue stick



  • 2kg sugar
  • Box of cocoa (380g)
  • 1 litre water (or coffee)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbs vanilla essence

Put sugar and cocoa in a really big stock pot. Stir together to remove all the lumps from the cocoa. Add liquid (water or coffee) and salt. Turn stove to high and stir continually. When it is boiling, turn heat to medium. Keep stirring and watching. If it gets too hot it will bubble over. Let syrup simmer until it thickens, about 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat and add vanilla essence.

Pour into two jars. When cooled add your labels.

And now you have two awe-inspiring, home-made gifts for a tiny $6 each! It is the ultimate frugal gift.

Here are the chocolate sauce labels referred to in the [December 2015 newsletter][1].

Detailed views are further down the page, along with the recipe.

First, the PDFs for you to download:




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