Recent Hints

Going vegetarian has saved all round

Going vegetarian has been a great move for me in every way. For me, it was an ethical decision as I no longer wanted to eat animals but as an added bonus I have found it saves a lot of money. Pasta sauces don't need meat; beans and lentils are just as tasty and filling and cost a fraction of the price of meat. These days I make all kinds of delicious vegetarian dishes such as pasta bakes quickly and easily, for less than $1!

By: Anna Read 2 responses in the members' forum

No more shopping lists with free app

We have eliminated paper shopping lists by using a free app called Our Groceries. You can link the app via entering one email address, so everyone who does the shopping at your house has the up to date grocery list at any time. The best thing is, you can customise the list to be very specific about what you want. There is a paid version of the app but we have been successfully using the free version and love it. No more wasted paper and no more forgetting things as the list is always with us!

By: Sam 15 responses in the members' forum


Hottest Hints

A super easy menu plan

I have read heaps about menu planning but found it all just so overwhelming. Choosing a menu for a whole month seemed like a lot of hard work but I have found a way to help even the most disorganised person.

Starting on the first day of a new month, and using a calendar or diary, write down what you have for dinner each night of the month. You will soon see what meals you eat on a regular basis. You can then transfer this information to the next month in your calendar or diary, and there is your monthly menu plan!

By: miss A 10 responses in the members' forum

Watties microwaved mashed potatoes - the SS way!

When I see the new ads on television for Watties 'NEW HOMESTYLE MASHED POTATOES' for the microwave, I just about laugh myself of the couch. I have used this system for many years, for a fraction of the price! Using an ice cream scoop, put single servings on your baking tray and freeze. To remove, gently twist the baking tray and they will 'pop' off. Place the required number of servings in one of those 'recycled' plastic bags that all us Simple Savers have stashed away and place in freezer. When they are required there's no need to defrost, just put them in the microwave (covered) and 'zap' for one minute per scoop. My kids love them with an egg for breakfast! Quick, very low cost, no nasty preservatives and yummy. Not to mention a lot more convenient than going to the supermarket and spending your hard earned dollars on more prepackaged junk you and your family don't need. Enjoy!

By: Ang Cartwright 9 responses in the members' forum
