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Tinned Baby Poo ...If you would like to learn more about our Savings Vault read our article [20,000+ Savings Tips](/p/20000-Money-Saving-Tips).......We have created a gift that does both - Tinned Baby Poo! You can make it yourself for less than $2 per tin. !...
Dark, Decadent, Gluten and Dairy Free Chocolate Cake ...or two medium cake tins * Grab a medium bowl, large bowl and a sifter * The large bowl is for your dry ingredients * Sift bicarb, cocoa and salt into......sugar * 2 tbsp vanilla sugar * 300 ml olive oil * 250 ml water * 6 large eggs **Method** * Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees * Grease and line a large cake tin...
February 2018 - Simple Savings Newsletter ...One year a friend gave me a money tin and on the side of it was printed, 'If you fill this tin with only gold coins by the time it's full you will have......Our goal was to open the tin at Christmas and use it to pay off lay-bys plus have some spending money over the Christmas break....
Do Thermomix's save money? ...They say things like, "It will save you money.", "It is worth the investment." and "You will love it."......Not having one has been costing me money and time. I'm keeping the Thermomix. It passed the test....
20,000+ Money Saving Tips ...Mix the mince with an equal amount of tinned or home-made refried beans.......Greek pasta bake (Pastito).** Heat a container of mince mixture with a 400g tin of peeled tomatoes....
Saving Money: The Easy Way ...Starting with money saving basics, then moving onto budgeting and avoiding wallet sinkholes.......We are going to make saving money easy and stretching every penny simple by combining the best of olden day wisdom with modern day technology....
February 2016 - Simple Savings Newsletter ...One year a friend gave me a money tin and on the side of it was printed, 'If you fill this tin with only gold coins, by the time it's full you will have......Our goal was to open the tin at Christmas and use it to pay off lay-bys plus have some spending money over the Christmas break....
January 2019 - Simple Savings Newsletter ...[][12] Remove the bread from the oven and trim the edges to remove it from the GF loaf tin. !......Once your bread has risen, turn your oven on to 200C and place the dough into your lined loaf tins....
March 2021 - Simple Savings Newsletter ...This will help you save money, save the planet and help your home to be a beautiful place. ## Gifts One area people often waste money on is buying supplies......Line your loaf tins with greaseproof paper....
March 1st 2017 - Simple Savings Newsletter ...Tinned tomatoes, pasta, long-life milk, a spare packet of biscuits, lentils - anything that won't 'go off'.......still learning to be smarter with money" * "I'm learning how to save" * "I don't need to spend money to make myself feel better" * "I want to have...

